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Give & Go: Baggy Pants and Jordan 11s with Kyle Harrison

February 24, 2023
Kenny DeJohn
Premier Lacrosse League

This article appears in the February edition of USA Lacrosse Magazine. Join our momentum.

Forgotten fashion trends, Jordan 11s and singing Ed Sheeran with lacrosse icon Kyle Harrison.

What’s your favorite quote?

Oh man, you can’t give a whack answer here. “No matter what.” That’s for my daughter and my wife.

What’s your favorite pair of shoes?

Jordan 11 Concords are my favorite of all-time. But it depends on the outfit.

You have to sing karaoke. What are you singing?

Let’s go something Ed Sheeran. What’s the song? “Castle on a Hill.”

Breakfast, lunch or dinner?

Dinner, because that means my kids are home from school and my wife and I can sit with them. And whatever my wife is making. She can cook, man.

If you could hang with any cartoon character, who would it be?

Mickey Mouse. That guy’s timeless.

If you could bring back any fashion trend, what would it be?

I’m liking the transition to baggier pants again. Pants just started getting tighter and tighter.

Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Michael B. Jordan. The trailer for “Creed 3” looks dope.

What kids music do you actually like?

My daughter and her friend were going to a lacrosse clinic with Alex Aust. They were watching some new show called “Zombies.” We listened to “Alien Invasion” 32 times on the way to the clinic.

What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

Selling fruit at a fruit stand at the top of my neighborhood. That lasted two days. Roller blading there uphill was an absolute mess.

Pose a question for our next subject.

Who’s the best Marvel superhero?